Rape Crisis collection in Nenagh

Rape Crisis Midwest will hold their annual church gate collection in Nenagh on Saturday/Sunday September 2nd/3rd.

This is one of our main fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Our Nenagh centre is based at Silverview in Nenagh town and is open three days per week.

The main aspect to the work is providing support/counselling to men and women who have survived childhood sexual abuse or recent rape/sexual assault. We receive no government funding to service the overheads connected with the service in Nenagh and rely heavily on the public to help us bridge our shortfall.

We would ask you to support our collection on the day. If you would like to volunteer at the collection, please contact us on 1800 311 511. Our centre can be contacted by logging on to www.rapecrisis.ie or by phoning 1800 311511.