Ascend domestic abuse march in Nenagh

Ascend Domestic Abuse Service provides support and information to women who have or are experiencing domestic abuse in their intimate relationships across North Tipperary.

This year Ascend will participate in the One Billion Rising Campaign. This is the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. The campaign, launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. That is ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS.

Every February hundreds of countries across the world march to show our local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face.

On Wednesday, February 14th 2018, Ascend Domestic Abuse Service will participate in the campaign. We will be gathering at Nenagh Courthouse at 10am and will walk to the Nenagh Civic Offices.

We would be delighted if you could join us!


About Ascend

Ascend supported 268 women in 2017. Most new clients seek information on their options, about court, housing and children’s supports. Many women require more understanding in relation to the issue and wish to develop their coping strategies.

Ascend offers a confidential listening and information telephone service where women have the opportunity to discuss their circumstances. In 2017, Ascend offered telephone support on 1,387 occasions and received 71 calls on their helpline number, 0505-23999. There were 582 outreach appointments, 420 contacts made with professionals regarding clients’ issues, and 33 occasions outside of court when clients were accompanied by Ascend staff to meet with professionals. Women who accessed Ascend were born in Ireland, England, Thailand, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, USA, Syria, Iceland, Bulgaria, India, Romania, Egypt, Hungary, New Zealand, Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria.

Ascend supports women in court on matters relating to domestic violence, maintenance, child access, separation and divorce. 62 clients were in receipt of court accompaniment services in 2017. There were 168 court appointments from January to December. Women attended court for a range of needs including applying for protection, safety and barring orders, and maintenance and child access.

Ascend ran two groups for service users in 2017. A Personal Development group was held in Roscrea for 13 weeks and an 11-week programme for parents who are abused by their children teaching non-violent resistance methods was run in Nenagh.

Ascend also co- facilitated TLC Kidz. This is a 12-week group work programme for children and their mothers who have experienced domestic abuse. The emphasis throughout is to support women in the knowledge of how to best help their child in healing from the impact of abuse.

In 2018 Ascend are running six-week Healthy Relationships programmes in secondary schools. We also deliver talks about our work. If you would like us to make a presentation in your workplace please contact us at 0505-23379.

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