Changing of the guard at Nenagh Toastmasters
During the past year, Nenagh Toastmasters were proudly represented at Area level by Helen Spillane, who was elected to the role of Area Director.
This role encompasses the management of five clubs, namely Roscrea, Limerick City, Limerick Thomond, Killaloe, and Nenagh. As part of the role, Helen ran two speech competitions, arranged two club officer training days and attended many local, national and UK events as both a speaker and representative of our Area.
The fruits of her and other people's efforts is that this year we’re expecting the Area to move into the highest awards category, which the international organisation publish on an annual basis. Helen's term of office is coming to an end at the end of June and, as a measure of the strength of the Nenagh club, we are delighted to announce that next year's Area Director is also from our club, namely Rose Walsh.
We wish Rose all the best in the coming year and thank Helen as a club for all her help and support during the year, and wish her well as she takes a well-deserved rest from area duties. We also congratulate Rose Walsh on completing her 10th speech at last week's Toastmasters meeting. Rose’s speech, 'Inspiration', was evaluated by John Spillane, noting Rose's strengths and making helpful points for future speeches. Rose is now ready to achieve her Competent Communicator Award.