All set for Farm Safety Week
Farm Safety Week begins next Monday, (July 16th), and runs until Friday, July 20th. This year the approach is different, the campaign will celebrate when things go right, share good practice and demonstrate what ‘good’ looks like in relation to working practices on the farm.
Each day of Farm Safety Week will cover a particular theme including Machinery & Transport, Older farmers, Children on farms, and Livestock and sun protection. The message for Farm Safety Week this year is: Your Health. Your Safety. Your Choice.
The campaign seeks to:
· Continue to raise awareness of farming having one of the poorest safety records of any occupation in the UK and Ireland.
· Highlight that the industry is aware of this and is working to address the issue.
· Share good practice and demonstrate what good looks like
· Continue to support the physical and mental wellbeing of the industry by increasing understanding of how to support those dealing with mental health issues in the industry
Imelda Walsh, North Tipperary IFA Chairperson said: “The message we want to get out there is simple - always think safety first. Arm yourself with the knowledge about the risks on the farm and how to avoid them and take the time to consider health and safety before doing a task. The evidence shows that if you do that, the chances of incurring an injury go way down. We will be demonstrating that the simple step of managing risks could save your life or prevent a serious injury from taking place.
For more information on Farm Safety Week UK & Ireland visit or follow @IFAmedia on Twitter using the hashtag #FarmSafetyWeek