Frank Farrell (Chairman) presenting the cheques and Trophy to Joe Fox, and Gráinne Fox.

Terryglass Angling Club's bbq

Terryglass Angling & Conservation Club held their annual barbeque on a beautiful evening in the garden at Hannigan's Bar in Kilbarron recently. There was a good attendance of members families and friends to enjoy the afternoon and evening sunshine as well as the sumptuous feast prepared and cooked by members and families of the club.



The presentation also took place of the annual May Fly Competition, which is held over the month allowing members to pick the best fishing times and weather conditions to suit themselves. This year proved a very poor year generally on Lough Derg, the long winter had taken it toll, and although there were larger than usual hatches of fly large fish were few and far between compared to previous years.



This year’s prizes winner overall was Joe Fox with a 2lb 12oz brown trout, followed very closely by his daughter Gráinne who took second and third places with 2lb 8oz and 2lb 4oz. Our thanks goes to Joe and Jane Hannigan for hosting the event and supporting our club within the parish of Terryglass and Kilbarron, and also to Margaret Fox, Harry Cochran, and Colm Darcy, for cooking on the barbeques, in such blistering heat!