2nd Roscrea Street Leagues a great success
Roscrea Street League came to an end on 1st September last with finals day taking place at Killavilla United FC.
It was a brilliant day with ten estates taking part and eight teams progressing to the finals. This year a total number of 353 children took part, ranging in ages from 3 to 13.
Sheenane were the Junior League winners with The Lane claiming the Senior title.
The first game of the day was the Plaque with CMCB United taking the junior and Sheehane taking the Senior plaques. The Lane were Junior Plate winners with Ard Na Greine/Tullaskeagh Senior Plate Winners
The Shield was next with Gleann Glas taking the Junior title with CMBC the Senior section.
The big Cup finals required penalties in both where in the junior section, Kennedy Park were the winners for the second year running and while Ashbury also retained the Senior Cup.
All matches were brilliant and the kids couldn’t play any harder and the support was exceptional.
To read more, pick up a copy of this weeks Nenagh Guardian locally or subscribe to our e-paper to access it online each Wednesday.