Public meeting on future of Roscrea nursing home
There will be a public meeting in Roscrea’s Muintir na Tíre Hall on Thursday, April 11th, to which all TDs in Tipperary are asked to attend and to commit to supporting the continuation of the long-term stay facility provided heretofore by the Dean Maxwell Home Care Unit for nearly 50 years.
The meeting is being organised under the auspices of Roscrea Community Development Council on the premise that the elderly of Roscrea are entitled to more than a bed in their advancing years but entitled to a facility in the centre of their own community such as was provided so excellently by the existing Dean Maxwell unit for so very many years.
It is fully realised that a capital investment is required and it is a commitment from the Tipperary TDs on that capital investment which is required from April 11th’s public meeting, to which all those in Roscrea and district, for whom the Dean Maxwell facility is important as a long-stay unit, are urged to attend, as if the long-term stay facility of Dean Maxwell ceases in Roscrea it will cease for all time and all future generations in Roscrea and district will be deprived of it forever.