Community wellbeing vision meeting in Borrisoleigh

Tipperary PPN will host a meeting focusing on the wellbeing of the Roscrea-Templemore-Thurles area in Borrisoleigh on September 25th.

Tipperary PPN (Public Participation Network) is a collective of all the community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups in Tipperary. Established in 2014, the PPN provides the community voice on Tipperary County Council committees. It also runs training courses for member groups and shares information about funding and activities.

Tipperary PPN is very excited to be part of the pilot community wellbeing project. We are currently running community meetings in each Municipal District.
What do we need for the wellbeing of the community of Thurles, Templemore and Roscrea area? That is the question being posed by Tipperary PPN, and they want to hear from all the groups and organisations in in this area. Developing a Vision for Community Wellbeing means thinking about what we have and what we need to help the Thurles, Templemore and Roscrea area to be as great as it can be for us and for the many generations that follow on from ours.

One thing everyone can agree on is that we would like our community to be the very best it can be. Tipperary PPN are delighted to be rolling out a new national initiative on community wellbeing. 

“Our wellbeing is affected by many things; the economy, the environment, services, etc,” said Avril Wilson, PPN Co-ordinator. “The wellbeing of the community affects everyone within it. We really want to hear from the groups and organisations on the ground and what is important to them.” 

Groups will also be able to feed in online. All this information will be brought together and used to influence policy and guide the work of the PPN and its representatives in influencing policy and working towards achieving the community’s goals.

The community consultation meeting for this area will take place on Wednesday, September 25th, in Borrisoleigh Parish Community Centre, Pallas Street, Borrisoleigh (E41 FF84) from 6pm.

If you would like to find out more, or your community organisation would like to participate in the consultation on community wellbeing, please contact the PPN office on 0504 61014 or email To register for the event visit or