ETB Student Awards for Coláiste Phobal Ros Cré

Colásite Phobal Ros Cré news

'The Chaser' comes to Roscrea: Coláiste Phobal Ros Cré will launch the new nationwide show 'The Chaser' as their major fundraiser for this year in the Racket Hall Hotel on Thursday, October 10th. 'The Chaser' is run on a nationwide scale by Pallas Marketing. Each of the six contestants selected can win €1,500 at the show on Thursday, October 10th.

Contestants are drawn from the audience and answer seven questions with four possible answers, valued at €100, €200, €300, €400, €600, €800, €1,000. €200 and €400 are milestones – contestant must choose after each question if they wish to bank the amount won or take another question. Contestants have two lifelines - “Ask the audience” and “Take one” - which will reduce the number of answers by one. Each lifeline can be used once.

Contestants then take the amount won to face The Chaser. They start on step five and Chaser starts on step seven. Chaser will offer 150% of the amount won to take a step nearer, or 30% of the amount won to take a step nearer home.

Mr Michael O’Connor, School Principal, said that the proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the development of an ASD unit and Student Wellbeing initiatives.  
Tickets for the show, which will be held on  October 10th, are priced at €10 for individuals or €30 for a family/four adults. Tickets can be purchased from any committee member or school reception (Tel: 0505-23939). Tickets are expected to sell out in advance and will not be on sale at the door on the night, so people are encouraged to purchase their tickets early.

Mr O’Connor, School Principal, paid special thanks to the hard-working committee for all their help and said if any company wished to support the event, they should contact any committee member or email


TY Trip: Our TY students had a wonderful time in Ballyhass for their start of year trip, which included many activities and really helped them to bond as a group. Many thanks to all the teachers who accompanied them.


Higher Options: Our Leaving Cert students attended the Higher Options event in Dublin this week. This will hopefully prove very beneficial for them all in deciding their careers going forward.

LCA: This week our LCAs attended a hospitality talk in Racket Hall Hotel. This should help them for their various tasks and modules.

2019 TETB Student Awards: Well done to our four LC students of 2018/19 who achieved student awards within the Tipperary ETB. We extend our best wishes to you all for the future.
Prefect Elections: The Sixth year Prefect elections took place this week and we await the results!


Photo caption: TETB-CPR - TETB Student Awards Ceremony - Coláiste Phobal, Roscrea. Back row, Jack Flynn (Deputy Principal, CPR), Michael O'Connor (Principal, CPR) Jason Forde (Special Guest), Linda Tynan (Director of Schools), Bernadette Cullen (Chief Executive, Tipperary ETB),  Cllr Roger Kennedy (Chairperson, Tipperary ETB). Front row, Adam Dooley (Best Sporting Achievement), Ellen-Rose Gorman-Simpson (Best Personal Achievement), Klaudia Szende (Best Leaving Certificate Applied), Eimhin Ward (Best Leaving Certificate).