Game Grangeview loses out in epic Laurels decider



There would be little contradiction to any assertion which claimed the 2019 Irish Laurels Final at Curraheen Park in Cork to be the hottest showdown in the classic’s illustrious history and Saturday’s cast of stars delivered a race for the ages with a three-way photo-finish required to crown a champion.

When revealed however, we would not have a new name on the trophy for it was defending champion Rockybay Foley who etched his name yet further in the history books by going back-to-back in the Laurels, despite a wonderful final effort from our local hopeful Grangeview Ten.

Ideally housed on the fence, the Keiran Lynch trained champ made a fast start to crucially command the inside on the run to the opening bend. However, he would be joined before turning by the Pat Guilfoyle trained Grangeview Ten as these two blistering early pacers contested the lead to the back-straight.

Exchanging more than the odd bump however, our local star would come off worst of the exchanges when forced to check his stride, he found himself almost two lengths in arrears off the second bend. Such a position against the champion elect could easily have had all hopes quashed but Grangeview Ten (Zero Ten/Portumna West) would display all his class on the run to the closing bends when remarkably rushing up on the leader’s inside at the third bend before claiming a narrow lead entering the home-straight. As with many of the early paced final field, Grangeview Ten would have his stamina limitations tested on the run to the line and with Doona Buck closing in behind with the rallying Rockybay Foley, the final exchanges were reduced to a high-class scramble for the line.



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