Sister Nuala Quinlan (right) pictured with the late Sr Breda (Bernard) Quigley on the occasion of Sr Bernard's farewell Mass and celebration at De Wildt, South Africa. Nenagh World Aid Society will hold its annual collection on the streets of Nenagh this weekend.

Letters of thanks to Nenagh World Aid Society

Nenagh World Aid Society will hold its annual collection on the streets of the town this Saturday and Sunday, November 16th and 17th. All contributions will be gratefully accepted, and will go towards good causes where local people are working with people in poverty around the world.
The following extracts are from letters of thanks sent to Nenagh World Aid Society this year, in which recipients of funding raised by the people of Nenagh and its hinterland express their gratitude.

Thank you most sincerely for your donation of €400, which I received from my niece, Nuala Kennedy, towards the cost of three shelters for the homeless, which the Sisters of Mercy run in Johannesburg for 240 women and men, plus 150 non-resident street people. Providing breakfast and a hot dinner to needy people is a big financial challenge.
I enclose a photo of a great Sister of Mercy, Sister Bernard, who was a classmate of mine many years ago at St Mary's, Nenagh. She spent some years after retirement working with the Sisters of Mercy in South Africa and did some splendid work.

Sister Nuala Quinlan

Thanks to Nenagh World Aid Society for your generous donation. We work with the needy in the district of Jardim Angela in Sao Paulo. The district was in 1996 considered by the United Nations as the most violent place in the world, with 120 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants.
With a population of 360,000 at this moment, 47% are in the age range of 0 to 24 years with 16% adolescent mothers. The region possesses neither a library nor a public sports centre. The average family income is R$277 (€62) per person.

Fr Jim Crowe

I would like to thank you for your donation. I am in a centre called Bump Birth and Beyond. I give antenatal classes, breastfeeding and baby classes. Twice a year we hold a community day where I invite pregnant women from under-privileged communities to spend a day with us. We give them breakfast and lunch, and transport them to and from the centre.
This money will allow us to carry out both of these days for the year. Thank you all again.

Margot Ryan Bham

Thank you for your generous gift of €400, which we will forward to Fr Shay Cullen in the Philippines. We will be focusing on environmental protection, seeing as the issues of unclean water, pollution and constantly increasing temperature and salination of the land are reaching critical levels.

Evelyn Maguire, Columban Missions, Dalgan Park

My sincere thanks also to your organisation for your generous donation of €400. I assure you, it will be greatly appreciated by the needy ladies in Kenya.

Angela Hartigan