Medical centre plans for Nenagh and Roscrea

Tipperary Co Council has sought further information on a plan for a new medical centre at the old Maltings site in Roscrea.

Tullamore Medical Ltd is seeking planning permission for various demolition of dilapidated sheds and storage facilities and the construction of a three-storey primary care centre (healthcare facilities) with a split-level car park, among other features.  

The plan has been welcomed by Age Friendly Roscrea which, in a submission to the council, spoke of the need for a centrally-located primary care unit in Roscrea. The group asked that consideration be given to pedestrian access, to traffic generation at the bottom of Convent Hill, and to blending the proposed centre with other services that exist or have yet to be developed.

“We feel it important that the full development take place at the same time, and that no phased development be allowed,” the Age Friendly Roscrea submission added.

An Taisce also supported the plan, submitting that “this application is to be commendeed in reinforcing urban centre use and in the maintenance of the key nineteenth century structures of the malting complex”.

The Dept of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht made a submisson in relation to archaeology and the industrial heritage of Roscrea.

Meanwhile, revised plans have been submitted for the development of a medical centre in Nenagh.

Pierce Finn Pharmacy Ltd has applied for a partial change of use from retail to medical centre at 18-21 Pearse St. Building works consisting of the partial demolition of the existing three-storey building to the rear is also included in the plan, which envisages construction of a new three-storey extension to the rear.

The plan furthermore involves general internal reconfiguration works that include internal linking of the buildings and remedial works, alterations to the front elevations onto Pearse St, signage, alterations to the existing rear car park and boundary walls, hard and soft landscaping, alterations to site services, and all associsated works. The propsed works are in the curtilage of a Protected Structure and in an Architectural Conservation Area.

Significant further information in relation to the application has been furnished to Tipperary Co Council. The further information includes revised elevational treatment to the proposed shop front on Pearse St, revision to the car parking layout to include entrance barrier, and revised elevations at the rear of the building.