Saoirse O'Meara, Saoirse Rooney, Dorothy Hackett, Ines Healy, Naoise Kelly, Finn Morris and Rian O'Malley – members of Nenagh Library's 7-9-year-old book club.

Club night at Nenagh Library

The start of a new year always brings with it a determination to try something new or do something different... hence the popularity of new year’s resolutions.

But instead of dreary efforts at self improvement, January can also be a time to decide to do something fun just for ourselves... whether that be to finally learn a new skill like knitting, crochet or crafting in general, or maybe reconnect with an old pastime that we used to enjoy, like Scrabble or even just dally awhile and indulge in a ‘taster’ of different clubs in a relaxed sociable setting, as with book clubs for both adults and young people or the Active Retirement Association.

All of which thinking influenced Nenagh library’s ‘Let’s Go Clubbing’ event, held on Tuesday, January 28th. Wanting to promote the different clubs and groups that regularly meet in Nenagh Library and encouraged by their members, staff had the excellent idea of mixing the clubs, both adult and juvenile, for an open night, thus bringing a different energy to the evening and drawing a larger crowd at the same time.

Clubs were invited to set up their ‘stall’ side by side in our exhibition space. Each group had given staff ideas beforehand on what they required in terms of promotional material for the night and so in the lead up to the event we were busy printing out posters, flyers and book marks for the different clubs.

Starting at 6.30pm, there was a steady stream of interested members of the public wandering amongst the different tables, sampling the refreshments and mixing with other club members and parents of those children showcasing the Lego or juvenile book clubs. Throughout the evening various club members were interviewed by staff and each offered a soundbite on their own club while the busy mix of tables allowed members to wander around and gather information and ideas from ‘neighbouring’ clubs.

As part of our campaign to #TakeACloserLook at your local library, 'Let’s Go Clubbing' was a great success. The winning formula lay in the mix of generations, which created its own buzz on the evening.

Open night over, we quickly commenced putting up highlights on Nenagh Library’s social media pages, which we will continue doing throughout this month, and we are delighted to hear that the different clubs are already noticing an uptake in new members. For full details of all our clubs and groups, check out