Dr Aine Lynch will present the talk.

Lorrha talk on the Barn Owl

An informative talk on nature conservation –   with a special emphasis on Barn Owls – will take place in Lorrha this Friday night.
The talk will focus on the habitat needed to conserve and enhance these beautiful birds in Ireland. 
Guest speakers on the night will be National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) ranger for Tipperary Dr Áine Lynch and Tom Gallagher of Birdwatch Ireland, who has built up an extensive knowledge of Barn Owls since beginning a nest box scheme in the 1980s.
Tipperary is one of three counties considered to be a stronghold of the Barn Owl, an iconic bird species of Ireland. 
Sadly, the Barn Owl has undergone a documented decline in recent years, largely because of loss of suitable habitat due to agricultural intensification and increased use of harmful second generation anti-coagulant rodenticides. The owls are also in decline due to the loss of suitable nest sites, expansion of major road networks and the increased severity of winters.
The upcoming talk in Lorrha is organised by the group SCEAL - Social Community Enterprise for the Advancement of Lorrha/Rathcabbin - and local councillor Michael O'Meara.
Welcoming all to attend this timely talk, Cllr O'Meara, an active nature conservationist, pointed out that protection of the Barn Owl is important for ecology. 
He said small changes in farming practices and the use of owl boxes could do a lot to help to help the situation.
Anyone who would like to find out more is invited to attend the meeting at Lorrha Hall on Friday, March 6th, at 8pm. 
Admission is free and all are welcome. For further details contact Cllr O'Meara on 086 8379300.