Horse Racing Ireland announces strict measures for behind closed doors meetings

Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) have announced details of the strict measures that will apply to race meetings in Ireland.

It follows yesterday’s decision by HRI – aligned with Government instruction to limit external gatherings to less than 500 people – that horseracing will continue but will not be open to the public, starting at Dundalk this evening up until March 29th.

To implement the recommended social distancing measures on track, the following strict measures must be undertaken by all Industry Bodies and Racecourses.

  • Signage recommended by the government must be displayed throughout the racecourse premises in strategic areas (grandstand, weighroom area, changing rooms, press room, stables etc.)
  • Contact details for all racecourse attendees must be recorded on admission
  • Bottles of antibacterial gel solutions/hand sanitising stations to be provided
  • Door handles, handrails of escalators, elevator buttons and any other obvious points of contact to be disinfected regularly during each race meeting
  • Jockeys’ saunas must be closed
  • Additional space between individuals must be provided within the weighroom to ensure social distancing along with additional alternative facilities for jockeys’ changing to ensure best practice hygiene throughout
  • A designated isolation room must be provided at each racecourse (for individual use in the event any person presents with virus symptoms)

 Access to the racecourse will be strictly restricted to essential service providers and industry participants and only the following people are permitted to attend race meetings: 

  • IHRB Officials/HRI employees working at the race meeting
  • IRIS employees working at the race meeting
  • Order of Malta (as required to service the race meeting)
  • Racecourse employees (as required to service the race meeting)
  • Valets working at the race meeting
  • Racecourse Vets
  • AIR Commentator
  • Stable staff of horses running in the race meeting
  • Jockeys riding in the race meeting
  • One Trainer (or their representative) per horse running on the day
  • One Owner per horse running on the day (if they cannot attend, they will not be allowed to be represented)
  • One racing journalist per newspaper/media organisation
  • One racing photographer per company

The above people, while permitted to attend racecourses during this period, are requested to leave when their presence is not necessary.
Please note there will be no catering facilities at the meeting nor will there be betting facilities (Bookmakers/Tote) in operation. An industry SP will be provided.
Furthermore even if you fit the above criteria, you are requested not to attend the race meeting if you have symptoms of cough, cold, temperature or shortness of breath.

And as per government advice, you will be of greater risk if you have been to or travelled through the high-risk countries (China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, parts of Spain); been in contact with anyone that has in the last 14 days; or been in contact with anyone that has a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19.
The following guidance is also given:

1.    Regular hand washing
2.    Cough etiquette to be adhered to
3.    Avoid going into areas on the racecourse unrelated to your work
4.    Leave immediately after your last race
5.    Please note there will be no catering facilities at the Racecourse so please bring your own refreshments
6.    Do not come racing if you have symptoms of cough, cold, temperature or shortness of breath
7.    If you become unwell while racing, go immediately to your car and phone your GP or HSE 112 for expert advice. The medics on course do not have the facilities to assess suspected cases of Coronavirus