Our Front Office will be open from 9am-12 noon and 2-4pm Monday-Thursday and 9am-12 noon on Friday. 

Notice re Memoriams/Anniversaries/Deliveries and Print Job pick-ups 

The Nenagh Guardian's Front Office will remain open for Acknowledgements, Memoriam Notices, Birthday and Anniversary Remembrances plus for delivery of supplies and the picking up of printed jobs. 
We have many customers who have been placing family notices for years. If you cannot travel to our office to place your family notices, you can reach us using the follows means to place you advert: 
Email: gryan@nenaghguardian.ie 
By phone during office hours: 067-31214 
Opening hours: 9am-12 noon and 2-4pm Monday-Thursday and 9am-12 noon on Friday 
If you do not have a credit card, don’t worry! We value your business over the years and will make arrangements for payment at a later stage.