Community rallies round in wake of coronavirus crisis
This group means to assist people with the delivery of shopping, fuel and other necessities in the coming months, should it be needed.
Nenagh man Damian O'Donoghue put out a call on social media for help with this community effort and was inundated with offers. Mr O'Donoghue said: "I am blown away by the reaction to my social media post seeking assistance with these efforts. Community spirit is alive and well.
"I have been contacted by dozens of people already who are willing to give up their time and help to transport necessities for people around Nenagh and beyond. As we are still unsure as to the fallout of the virus locally, we are currently putting plans in place should extra help be needed by people."
Mr O'Donoghue stressed that this group of volunteers has no medical training and would just be available to assist with the transportation of shopping, fuel and other necessities. The new group is currently planning the safest and best way this help can be utilised.
"We are tying in with other local organisations and businesses at the moment to see how best we can use our volunteers," he said. "People that may have to self-isolate, are immunocompromised, are elderly or living alone, will need assistance over the coming weeks and this group will be available to help them get the supplies they need. It is a frightening time for a lot of people and I think that we will fight this together in the community, as a community."
Mr O'Donoghue has asked anyone in need of assistance with the transportation of supplies to contact him on 087-9590206 or contact the group's Facebook page, ‘Coronavirus Community Assistance-Tipp North’.