Do not attend Masses advises Nenagh Parish Council
In light of the Government's recommendations and the response of the Killaloe Diocese, the following measures are being taken in Nenagh Parish until further notice.
1. The primary responsibility for the common good rests with each individual and any decision we make ought to take into account the common good.
2. Our primary concern must be the wellbeing of each other. Thus we ask that we attend to the welfare of family members, neighbours and fellow parishioners.
If you wish a priest to visit a close family member in their homes, having received the consent of that family member, please contact the Parish Office by phone (067 31272) or email ( and a priest will visit. One of the priests will make contact with that person via phone or email to verify the request and to arrange a visit at a mutually convenient time.
3. Masses will be celebrated as per the regular schedule but we ask that people do not attend.
This is in response to Bishop Fintan's decision to suspend all public Masses. Please participate via the parish radio (106.2FM) and/or webcam (
If you wish to receive Holy Communion and/or wish to bring Holy Communion to someone in your own home, please know that Holy Communion will be distributed with no liturgical ceremony to individuals at 9am in St Mary of the Rosary Church.
4. Both St Mary of the Rosary Church and St John the Baptist Church will remain open as per normal for people to visit and pray.
5. Eucharistic Adoration in St Mary's each weekday between 5pm and 7pm will continue.
6. The Parish Office will be closed to the public. If you wish to make contact, please phone or email.
7. Funerals will be celebrated. However, attendance will be limited to family members only with no choir in attendance.
8. All parish gatherings are suspended until further notice.
9. The Parish Retreat scheduled for March 29th, 30th and 31st is cancelled.
10. The retreats for Communion Groups in Mount St Joseph's Monastery, Roscrea, scheduled for March 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th are cancelled.
11. The Nenagh 800 tree planting ceremony scheduled for March 27th is also deferred and hopefully will be rescheduled at a later date.
12. All parish volunteers are asked to consult the Parish Office prior to making arrangements for proposed gatherings after March 29th.
13. All of the above is to adhere to the wellbeing of the common good of our society. If you as a parishioner have any suggestions as to how best we as a Christian community can serve each other, please let us know by phone (067 31272) or email (