GAA publish emergency powers motions for Special Congress

The GAA has published details of the two motions which will be debated at tomorrows Special Congress which will be held by video-conference.
67 delegates will take part in the Special Congress which is being held to establish an interim governance structure for the Association in an emergency situation to last no more than twelve weeks and can restructure competitions which have been impacted by Covid-19.
Tipperary will be represented by Central Council Delegate Michael Bourke, however, they will also have a second vote in the form of John Costigan who is a Trustee of the GAA
“That this Special Congress be entitled to consider and pass any motion to amend a Rule notwithstanding the provisions of 3.38 or any other Rule.”
Ard Chomhairle (Rule 3.40(a)(iv))
“That Chapter 3 – Organisational Structures: Composition, Powers and Functions be amended by adding a new Rule 3.61 to read:
Special Emergency Circumstances

1. Where the normal operation of the Association is severely adversely affected due to the existence of a public emergency whether within Ireland (or any part thereof) or outside of Ireland, the Management Committee may, by resolution, declare that Special Emergency Circumstances exist which make it impracticable to conduct the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Rules.

2. Immediately upon making such a declaration the Management Committee shall notify each County of the declaration whereupon the Management Committee may take such steps as are necessary to conduct the affairs of the Association in accordance with its Aims and Ethos notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules including, but  not limited to, the suspension or amendment of Rules or parts of Rules and the enactment of new Rules (with power to make such suspension, amendment or enactment retrospective to the date of the declaration of Special Emergency Circumstances, where appropriate).

3. A declaration that Special Emergency Circumstances exist shall be presented to the Central Council for approval as soon as is practicable but no later than two weeks after it has been made. Should the Central Council not approve a declaration by the Management Committee that Special Emergency Circumstances exist, within two weeks, then such declaration shall stand annulled, but this shall not invalidate anything done pursuant to such a declaration.
4. A declaration that Special Emergency Circumstances exist shall be for a specified period of no more than twelve weeks. The Management Committee may extend the period of Special Emergency Circumstances for a period or periods of no more than eight weeks each but any such extension shall be presented to the Central Council for approval as soon as is practicable but no later than two weeks after it has been made. Should the Central Council not approve the extension of the period of Special Emergency Circumstances, within two weeks, then such extension shall stand annulled, but this shall not invalidate anything done pursuant to such an extension.

5. If the Management Committee cannot conduct its affairs as a result of the public emergency which gave rise to the declaration it may delegate any of its powers under this Rule to a sub-committee comprising not less than four of its members, which shall include, unless they are incapacitated or otherwise unavailable, the President and the Director General (the latter of whom shall not have voting rights). Decisions taken by such a sub-committee shall be presented to the Management Committee for approval as soon as is practicable but no later than one week after they have been made. Should the Management Committee not ratify a decision of such a sub-committee, within one week, then that decision shall stand annulled, but this shall not invalidate anything done pursuant to such a decision.
Voting Representation:
One delegate per county (32 Ireland & 14) - 46
President - 1
President-elect - 1
Provincial Chairpersons - 5
Representatives of Congress (Trustees) -  2
Past Presidents - 7
GPA - 1
GAA Handball - 1
Higher Education Council - 1
Post Primary Schools’ Council - 1
Primary Schools’ Council - 1
Total = 67