Vandalism at Ballina playground
An act of vandalism at the Riverside Park playground in Ballina last weekend is being investigated by gardaí.
Wires were cut from the fencing around the playground, which has been closed to the public for several weeks at garda behest in the interest of social distancing. Local councillor Phyll Bugler described the vandalism as unfortunate but minor in nature. She said an engineer from Tipperary Co Council has inspected the damage, which will be repaired shortly.
Cllr Bugler welcomed that the walkway in the park has been reopened in recent days between Gooser’s and the Washerwoman’s Bridge. She said she had received a lot of representations from families of people with special needs and the elderly, who like to use the popular walkway. The local councillor was glad to see people using the amenity within 2km of their homes and in accordance with the social distancing guidelines.