The 17.05hrs service from Heuston Station to Limerick Junction daily will not be serving Thurles since Monday.

Calls for reversal of decision to remove Thurles train service

Deputy Michael Lowry has contacted Minister Shane Ross, the National Transport Agency and Management at Irish Rail to see an urgent reversal of the decision to remove yet another vital rail link between Dublin and Thurles.


Deputy Lowry’s action was prompted by an irate and concerned Thurles passenger who has used the 17.05hrs service from Heuston Station to Limerick Junction daily as part of his work commute for the past two years. On Friday evening last this passenger and others were informed the service would no longer be serving the Thurles Station from Monday, June.  8th. This gave commuters a mere two day weekend to try to source alternative transport.


Following his initial enquiries into the matter, the Tipperary Deputy established that the 17.05hrs service would continue to travel between Heuston Station and Limerick Junction, but that it would not longer stop at Thurles Railway Station.


While Deputy Lowry appreciates that Irish Rail has had to reconfigure its timetable in response to Covid-19, commuters who use the Heuston to Thurles service have already seen the 16:00hrs, 16:25hrs and 18:00hrs removed. This makes the removal of the 17:05hrs service and even bigger blow to Thurles commuters who travel daily to and from work in Dublin.


In addition to making immediate contact with the Minister for Transport seeking his support for the reversal of the decision, Deputy Lowry also requested that the NTA consult with Irish Rail Management as a matter of urgency to give consideration to the commuter importance of the 17:05 hrs service from Dublin Heuston to Thurles.