Inez Uí Eanáin and Máirín Uí Dhubhlaoich have retired.

Popular principal and teacher bow out of Gaelscoil Aonach

Another milestone in the history of the Gaelscoil in Nenagh has been reached with the retirement of two wonderful teachers, who were a staple in the school for nearly as long as it has been in existence.

The school began in 1989 in a small building in John’s Lane in the town and it grew and had to move buildings to a new school on the present site in St Conlon’s Road in 1998. Today the school is well recognised not alone for its standard of Gaeilge but also for the high levels achieved in music, sport, technology and without doubt in its other academic subjects.

In 1990, Máirín Uí Dhubhlaoich from Ballyferriter came to teach in the Gaelscoil. She is married to Paul from Borrisokane, who was principal in Kiladangan NS, and they have three children. As Máirín was a native speaker, she was excellent to maintain the native 'blas' of Gaeilge throughout the school and she was always willing to help any teacher with improving their own Irish. She had a great number of traditional riddles and seanfhocail which she taught to all the students in her care. Traditional songs such as 'Thugamar féin an Samhradh Linn' and 'Óró sé do bheatha bhaile' along with poems from Maire Mac an tSaoi were often to be heard emanating from her classroom. She used various games and drama as key teaching methodologies and she encouraged us all to use every opportunity to speak our native language, Gaeilge and to be proud of it and our culture too. There will be a large gap left in the school now without her as the "well of Irish" and as a great friend of all those associated with the Gaelscoil.

A short while later, Inez Uí Eanáin from Dublin started teaching in the Gaelscoil, followed in 1998 by her commencement as principal. She is married to Niall from Terryglass and they have three children. She proved herself an excellent leader in the way she moulded the school from a tiny seed to a large modern school, which is well acclaimed not alone in Nenagh but also in the surrounding area. Inez was always energetic and enthusiastic about undertaking any project from a new building to a music initiative, from gardening to jam-making, from a super school band to freewriting (scothsmaointe), from morning meditation to sport of any type and from love of the arts to technology and future self-advancement.

She was always prepared to work extremely hard to develop each child’s ability and no obstacle would stand in her way. Her leadership skills were far-reaching and she inspired both teachers and parents to pursue the same aim; education through Irish and the complete development of the child for their future years. Inez always set high expectations within her work and in every aspect of school life during her time in Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan. She has reached her highpoint without doubt and she can be very proud of all that she has achieved.

Congratulations to the two brave women on their great work completed in the Gaelscoil in Nenagh for the children and all of the Gaelscoil Community, and moreover for Gaeilge and Education. They now have to take a well-deserved rest after their diligent commitment that they gave to the Gaelscoil. May God bless them both in this new chapter of their lives. Long life to them both. Thanks to them both and goodbye, dear friends.
With much appreciation and affection from the staff and Gaelscoil Community 2020.