Prose pieces/essays can be up to 800 words in length, dealing with some personal memory or reflection on an event or experience

Tipp poets and writers wanted for new publication

Writers of poetry and prose born or resident in County Tipperary, who are at the stage of editing/honing their work for publication, are invited to submit material for possible inclusion in a forthcoming collection featuring the work of both established and emerging writers from the county.

Prose pieces/essays can be up to 800 words in length, dealing with some personal memory or reflection on an event or experience. Poems can be up to 40 lines in length. Subject matter is open. Material previously published in literary journals or placed in competitions is eligible for consideration. Please include publication details so appropriate acknowledgement can be made.

Submit 2 to 4 pieces of writing (poetry/prose or a combination) to Margaret Galvin, 3 Corry’s Villas, Wexford Town Y35 N6F2, Co Wexford. Please enclose an SAE. Include all contact details. Include also a 50 to 60 word biographical note in the third person. Hard copy is preferred at this stage. Margaret Galvin can also be contacted at: Please retain copies of your work. Closing date for submissions is February 5th.

This project is funded by the Arts Office, Tipperary County Council. It is a not-for-profit venture. Subscribers will receive copies of the book in lieu of payment. The collection will be circulated through libraries and various community, educational, health and social/cultural initiatives. The purpose is to bring the best writing from the county to a wider audience and to inspire others to engage in creative writing.