Ninety-year-old Frances Hearne receives the vaccination.

Nonagenarian is first recipient of vaccine in North Tipp

Frances Hearne, a 90-year-old woman from Mullinahone, has become the first person at Community Hospital of the Assumption to be vaccinated against Covid-19. She got the vaccine today at Community Hospital of the Assumption alongside healthcare workers from the unit who were also vaccinated.

Frances stated “that today was a very special day and I couldn’t sleep a wink thinking about it all night. I am especially looking forward to the future as my third great grandchild was born in Clonmel yesterday, there is a great feeling of excitement here today.”

Nessa Merrigan, a CNM1 at Community Hospital of the Assumption was the first staff member to receive the vaccine. Nessa said: “I feel very honoured to get the vaccine today, we are lucky here at the Hospital of the Assumption to be one of the fist in the Country and over the next two days all staff and residents will have received their first vaccine and we are grateful for that.”

All staff, residents and their families were given a HSE vaccine information leaflet, along with more detailed manufacturer’s patient information leaflet, before getting the vaccine. Afterwards, each person vaccinated was given a vaccine record card, showing the name and batch of the vaccine they have received. They will each return for their second dose, to be fully protected, in three weeks.

Mairead Greene, Director of Nursing, Community Hospital of the Assumption, Thurles added: “As the director of nursing I am very pleased the Community Hospital of the Assumption was chosen to be the first to rollout the vaccine in North Tipperary. It is a great day for the staff and residents and there is a great air of positivity, excitement and still a little anxiety in the unit but you get a great sense of people now looking forward with optimism, we are delighted with how today has gone.”

Mary O’Brien, Head of Service, Older Persons, HSE Mid West Community Healthcare, commented: ‘I am delighted to see the roll out of the Covid vaccine to the first 2 Community Nursing Units in the Midwest. The remaining units will received the first dose of the vaccine in the next few weeks. All Residents and staff welcome this and are delighted to receive the vaccine, uptake is really high overall."

Anne Ryan, Head of Service, Health and Well-Being & HSE Mid West Community Healthcare Covid-19 Vaccination Lead, said: 'Today is a momentous occasion for us all in the Mid-West as we begin administering the vaccine which will offer protection from coronavirus. We are looking forward to working with all residential facilities across the Midwest to provide this vital protection for residents and staff. 2020 has been a difficult and demanding one. We now embark on the rollout of the vaccine which offers hope for a better future and a safe and healthy 2021."

Worldwide, vaccines save at least 2-3 million lives each year – and protect many more from crippling and lifelong illnesses. Only Covid-19 vaccines that have been authorised by the European Medicines Agency, having met stringent safety and effectiveness standards, will be used in Ireland. All Covid-19 vaccines will be carefully monitored over time and updated safety data and information will be published and shared by the HSE, on our website and in our printed information materials.