Melissa Rossiter has been awarded one of the UL40 Scholarship Awards.

Scholarship award for Roscrea student

Welcome back! A happy new year to everyone from all in Coláiste Phobal Ros Cré as we are back to online teaching and learning. The same as last year, we will overcome all challenges put before us and best wishes to all staff and students for 2021. Other devices or options that can be used for accessing online work and classes during this time include Playstation and Xbox. Check out the school website or Facebook page for more information in relation to these.

We are delighted to congratulate our past pupil Melissa Rossiter, who has been awarded one of the UL40 Scholarship Awards by the Office of the Provost & Deputy President, University of Limerick

The UL40 Scholarships are awarded to incoming students who began their undergraduate studies in the Autumn Semester for the Academic 2020 and is based on their performance in the Leaving Certificate and determined by their CAO points. The scholarships are valued at €2,000 each and they are funded by the University of Limerick, in recognition of its 40 years in existence as an educational institution.

Historically, they would have invited the school Principal and the Career Guidance Teacher to attend a ceremony on campus. Students who have been awarded scholarships would be invited to attend, with their parents, and presented with their scholarship certificate by UL President. Photographs would have been taken at the ceremony - with President, scholarship recipient and their school representatives to mark the students’ academic achievement. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has not been possible for UL to host a ceremony this year. We are all very proud of Melissa in Coláiste and wish her well for the future.