Irish Water is set to apply for planning permission to develop the wastewater treatment plant in Ballina.

Update on Ballina Wastewater Treatment Plant

Deputy Jackie Cahill has welcomed news that Irish Water is at the advanced stages of applying for planning permission for the development of the wastewater treatment plant in Ballina. Deputy Cahill has been working with stakeholders in the Ballina area for some time now to secure the development of the wastewater facilities in the town to increase capacity that would allow for future development of this part of Tipperary.

Speaking on these promising developments today, the Fianna Fáil TD for Tipperary said: “I very much welcome the news that Irish Water is set to apply for planning permission to develop the wastewater treatment plant in Ballina. This is a beautiful town with serious tourism and developmental potential. However, the lack of capacity in the wastewater treatment plant in Ballina has been a major hindrance to the town’s development for many years at this stage.

“I understand that the plant in Ballina currently has a 4,000 person equivalent capacity and the current load estimate on this plant is for a 5,400 person equivalent, meaning that this plant is massively over capacity, under-developed and over-worked. As such, it is acting as a major barrier to the development of the town. Plans to develop the wastewater treatment plant in Ballina to an 8,800 person equivalent would be a major benefit for the town.

“I have been working hard for some time now with stakeholders on wastewater treatment issues in a number of locations around the county. Ballina is one of the most obvious urban centres that is desperately in need of expansion in order to prevent further hindrance of the development of the town. These works, if approved, will be of enormous benefit to the town and surrounding areas and I will continue to work with key parties locally to secure further investment in Ballina in the months and years to come,” Deputy Cahill concluded.