There are plans to transform the recycling centre on the Limerick Road.

New recycling centre for Nenagh

Plans for a major upgrade of Nenagh’s council-owned recycling centre on the Limerick Road will soon be put on public display.

New proposals for the 1.4-hectare site on which the civic amenity centre and machinery yard are located were presented at last week’s meeting of Nenagh Municipal District. In existence since the 1950s, the site has become very busy in recent years following the addition of the recycling facility, which is the busiest of its kind in Tipperary and has attracted some 4,000 visits already this year.

Executive Engineer James Murray told the meeting that activity is increasing at the site and the need to upgrade is obvious.

The current facilities are deteriorating and there is a need to delineate the recycling and machinery yard facilities.

The council intends to demolish everything on the site and build a new recycling centre, machinery yard and maintenance facility with associated structures.

Realignment and upgrading of the civic amenity site entrance and access road is also planned, along with new lighting, landscaping and associated works.