Nenagh is one of six towns in the county taking part in the scheme. Aerial photo: Ger Doyle

Street enhancement grants for Nenagh

Expressions of interest are invited from premises in Nenagh town for works under the Street Enhancement Measures 2021.

Grants are being made available under the Department of Rural & Community Development’s Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS). Tipperary County Council was allowed to select a maximum of six towns for the county; Nenagh town was selected in the Nenagh Municipal District.

Items permitted under the scheme and max grant funding:

- Green enhancement of entrances/ terraces with planting (€500);

- Painting of building/shopfront in carefully selected colours, which will complement the host building and streetscape (€1,500);

- Decluttering and repair of shopfronts (decluttering can include such works as removing unnecessary signs, flagpoles, wiring etc), (€2,000);

- Careful illumination and lighting of architectural features of buildings (€4,000);

- Improvements to shopfront window displays and staging (€4,000);

- Replacement of signage with traditional wooden fascia with wooden/hand painted lettering, or contemporary design (€4,000);

- Canopies/awnings complementary to the materials of the shopfront and building (including street furniture), (€4,000);

- Replacement of existing shopfront with traditional painted wooden shopfront, or contemporary design (€4,000).

Total maximum grant: €8,000. Scheme requirements include:

Matched funding; procurement/ quotations; before and after photographs; application form; invoices marked paid; evidence of payment.