Delegation with Minister Butler on her visit to Roscrea this week.

‘Battle will continue’ for home

Minister of State visits Roscrea’s Dean Maxwell Home

Minister of State for Older People Mary Butler visited the Dean Maxwell Community Nursing Home in Roscrea on Monday of this week.

The minister took a private tour of the nursing home before holding a meeting with politicians and local community groups at the former courthouse, which is now the meeting place for Age Friendly Roscrea.

Following the meeting, Michael Lowry, TD, stated that the minister reiterated the HSE position on the future of the Dean Maxwell home. “She said that the future of the Dean Maxwell is secure, but that it is unlikely that any changes will be made to the decision to transfer long-stay beds to Nenagh.”

Deputy Lowry said “the battle will continue to fight this stance”. He reiterated his comment that direct Government intervention is needed to maintain the long-stay beds and that he will continue to work to achieve this outcome.


During the meeting, Minister Butler heard details of the submission by ‘Roscrea Cares’ for the development of an integrated Older Person Service for Roscrea and its hinterland. Under the leadership of Anne Keevey, this very worthy and impressive submission details the overall objective of ensuring that there is a collaborative approach to the provision of a continuum of care for the older people of Roscrea and its hinterland into the future. It underlines the need for support for independent living in people’s own homes for as long as possible, including those with dementia, the provision of a range of housing types to meet the needs and respond to the choices of older people, and the importance for personhood and connectivity of remaining within one’s own community.

“The first objective is to secure Government funding for both Dean Maxwell and for the ‘Roscrea Cares’ proposal,” Deputy Lowry commented. “The next step is ensuring that the funding is given to the HSE on the condition that it includes both the RCDC proposal for long-stay nursing home beds at Dean Maxwell and the objectives of ‘Roscrea Cares’. The people of Roscrea deserve nothing less than this and I will continue my battle to ensure that they get what is needed for the town,” said Deputy Lowry.

Jackie Cahill, TD, also attended the meeting in Roscrea and welcomed Minister Butler's decision to visit the Dean Maxwell home in person. Having joined local councillor Michael Smith in raising the local nursing home issue with Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath over the summer, Deputy Cahill hoped to see funding for the Dean Maxwell home included in the National Development Plan. He described the home as integral part of Roscrea and said it would be a “hammer blow” to the local community if long-stay provision is lost.


Meanwhile, Roscrea councillor Shane Lee called on the Government to “do the right thing” and show a “common sense approach” following the minister's visit. Also part of the delegation that met Minister Butler on Monday, he spoke of how Dean Maxwell has always been a part of life in Roscrea for most people.

“Everyone in Roscrea has had some association with Dean Maxwell,” Cllr Lee stated. “Dean Maxwell is part of the town – it’s a proud example of who we are in Roscrea.

“I believe that Minister Butler witnessed and felt the passion that local people feel for Dean Maxwell during her visit. It would have been impossible for her not to have seen that this nursing home is not just a place, it’s a home

“I welcomed Minister Butler and thanked her for coming to Roscrea to visit the Dean Maxwell. Yet, regardless of the all the facts and requests that were laid before her, it was the Dean Maxwell itself and its residents and dedicated staff that proved beyond doubt what a truly special place it is.

“I highlighted how important Dean Maxwell is to Roscrea and to its people. I acknowledged the outstanding work of the staff, both past and present, their skills and the abundance of love and friendship they extend to both the patients, their families, their friends and anyone who visits.

“I thanked ‘Roscrea Carers’ for their work in caring for the older people in our community, especially during the pandemic, when they went above and beyond to help and attend to the needs of the most vulnerable in our community. I paid tribute to RCDC for their unwavering determination and commitment to keeping this very important topic to the forefront and for arranging public meetings that allowed the voices of local people to be heard.

“I concluded by telling the minister of the fear and anxiety that has been circulating within our community since news of the possible loss of long-stay beds was first learned. I appealed to her to use the influence that her position affords her to ensure that the town of Roscrea maintains all the vital services that Dean Maxwell provides.”