Some of the attendance at the memorial planting event.

Remembering those who passed away

Memorial planting ceremony takes place in Roscrea

For almost two years now, we have faced a most challenging problem in our efforts to contain and supress the spread of Covid-19.

Unfortunately, too many people on our island have passed away from it. Roscrea Tidy Towns, like many organisations had its normal workings disrupted and or suspended because of containment measures.

With these thoughts in mind, Roscrea Tidy Towns decided to plant some trees to remember those in our community that have succumbed to this terrible infection.

The planting took place on Saturday, September 4, in the Library Field Although planned for some time, this was a most fitting day for the ceremony to take place as it was a day on which the nation remembered all Covid-19 victims on the island. Roscrea Tidy Towns Chairman, Denis Ryan welcomed all to the event.

Three white-barked birch trees were planted in a Covid Coppice triangle – each two metres apart in remembrance of the directive on social distancing. A memorial stone will be added later.

A notice was put in Facebook concerning the event and families who had lost members to Covid-19 were contacted, where possible, to ensure their ability to attend the event, if at all possible.

The planting took place following an ecumenical blessing from members of the clergy. Family members were invited to plant one of the trees in their loved one’s memory and to say a few words, if they wished.

Some families expressed their trauma at not only the loss of a loved one, but also the fact that they couldn’t say goodbye in the normal way because of the restrictions around visiting and above all touching.

The families all expressed their gratitude to Roscrea Tidy Towns for hosting the event, saying it was a lovely way to remember their loved ones.

Roscrea Tidy Towns would like to express their appreciation to all those who attended the ceremony, making it such a moving occasion.