New houses for Nenagh estate

A plan for the construction of ten new dwellings at Woodview Close, Nenagh, moved a step closer following a move at the September meeting of Tipperary County Council when councillors adopted Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to allow the development to proceed.

The houses will be built on a 0.25 hectare site and will comprise a courtyard with a terrace of four two-bed single storey houses; four one-bed units in two, two-storey blocks and two semi-detached two-bed single storey houses with roads, footpaths, underground services, attenuation area, car parking, boundary treatments, bin storage, landscaping, open spaces and all associated site works.

A total of 14 submissions were received after the plan for the development were put on public display.

Council Chief Executive Joe MacGrath in his written consideration on the development said the site for the proposed houses was not part of Cormack Drive but part of a landbank which was underdeveloped after the construction of Cormack Drive in the 1980s.

He said the land on which it is proposed to build the houses was zoned as “Existing Residential” in the Nenagh Town and Environs Development Plan.

He said the proposed development is envisaged as an “age-friendly” development and is not anticipted to result in any harrasment of people using an adjacent lane.

Mr MacGrath added that the development would not impact on the rear access to the Cormack Drive houses and would result in the development of a site not currently in use, with the aim of preventing anti-social behaviour.