This Thursday, November 4, sees the Trail Blazers heading to Golden Grove and Orange Hill.

Busy programme of walks for Roscrea Trail Blazers

On Thursday night last the Trail Blazers were back in The Slieve Blooms again with a walk from the back of Kinnity Castle and onto the Glinsk Castle Loop. The weather on the night was a little overcast but the rain stayed away. A perfect night for walking. A fantastic turnout on a great night for walking. Well done to everyone that made the effort. Well done to club members that climbed Ireland’s highest mountain Carrauntouhill. Marie Marshall, Ita Morris , Luke John Ryan Joe Prendergast and Sandra Coady climbed the 1,038m to the summit. Well done, a fantastic effort.

This Thursday, November 4, sees the Trail Blazers heading to Golden Grove and Orange Hill. This is a fantastic family walk and one not to be missed. Grade: Easy/moderate, Time: 2 Hour, Distance: Meeting in the Dromakeenan School Carpark at 7pm. Please bring head/hand torch and High-viz jacket. Please note car pooling only for those who are fully vaccinated. If you would like to join the group on any of their future walks you can contact Cathal on 086 3399193 with an expression of interest.