A youngster is enthralled with one of the video displays.

switch it on!

switch 2021 is back next week with an eclectic line up of nine works of moving image and a piece of commissioned writing. An ensemble of artists from various different countries - Max Hattler, a visual artist from Hong Kong, Christy Walsh from New York, John Conway from Kildare, Chris Finnegan from Cork, Ojo Taiye, a young Nigerian poet and Makiko Nishikaze, a Japanese artist living in Germany - to name a few. For one week only from November 7 to 14, the work of these artists collage together in the town scape daily from 4 til 11pm in Nenagh. The works converse with each other, with the spaces they occupy and their past and present uses, changing things, shifting meanings and distracting the passer by. The video works are a temporary intervention into the normal routes of the townscape. Take a turn through the streets of this old and lively town and look for the artworks or stumble upon them; let them ‘surprise and confuse’ for one week. Love them, like them, disregard them.Join curator Harald Turek on Sunday, November 7, at 5pm outside the Nenagh Art Centre, Banba Square, for a switching-on walk of the works. It is an open free tour of the works and a chance to hear more about the project, meet some of the participating artists and an opportunity for a relaxed and convivial conversation around videos in the windows. If you would like more information on the tour contact Harald on Facebook, Instagram or email.




250 printed copies of the little yellow book, the full programme of the works, are available to the public and can be picked up from the Nenagh Arts Centre and other places around town from Saturday, November 6. The full programme of timings, dates and locations for switch 2021 is available by visiting the website at www.s-w-i-t-c-h.org.