Aerial photo of Nenagh by Ger Doyle

Response awaited over Nenagh traffic management

Nenagh Municipal District is awaiting response from the National Transport Authority on the proposed relocation of bus stops in the town from Kickham St to a new transport hub mooted for the railway station.

The district's October meeting was advised that consultants are currently progressing the design work required for a new traffic management plan for the town.

The ongoing works at the Emmet Place/Mitchel St junction will need to be completed before this can be progressed – the introduction of the one-way system will not take place until 2022.

A new car park and junction are being developed at Emmet Place and a revised programme has been received from contractor indicating substantial completion by week ending November 7 2021.

Consultants are also progressing the design work for the proposed transport hub. A second meeting was held with the NTA and a submission was made. A response from the authority is awaited.