Pictured with Cllr Michael Smith (back row far right) representing Tipperary County Council are the Roscrea Remembrance Committee who will launch a CD at a special event in Brú Ború this Thursday, called 'Ag Cuímhnigh Tiobraid Árann'.

Brú Boru launch of CD inspired by our brave forefathers

The much-anticipated launch of the CD ‘Ag Cuímhnigh Tiobraid Árann’ – Remembering Tipperary in the Centenary of the Decade of Revolution by the Roscrea-based Remembrance Committee, will take place in Brú Ború, Cashel, this Thursday, February 24.

Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, capacity for the venue was running at 50%, making tickets for the event an absolute premium at this stage.

The Remembrance Committee would encourage all those wishing to attend to try and reserve their ticket as early as possible. Tickets for the event cost €25 and include a CD and a complimentary Commemorative Booklet. The tickets are available direct from the Brú Ború website.

The CD launch and the concert are the end product of a great project that was put forward by songwriter Seamus Doran some time ago. A key aim for the project was to remember in song the contribution Tipperary people have made in Ireland’s fight for Independence, in this, the Centenary of the Decade of Revolution.

To achieve this the songs focused on six of the principal characters, namely, Thomas MacDonagh, Michael Hogan, Seán Treacy, Dinny Lacey, Seán Hogan, and Dan Breen, without in any way undermining the huge sacrifice countless other Tipperary people made in Ireland’s struggle for freedom throughout the ages.

The seventh song in the collection is a reflective one on the civil war.

Fran Curry from Tipp FM will be MC on what promises to be a very poignant and emotional night for all present.

Singers Tadhg Maher, Aidan Doran, Deirdre Scanlan, Aishling Rafferty and Zoe Gleeson will perform the songs live, with musical direction, sound, and lighting in the very capable hands of Pat Marnane.

There is also a very impressive line-up of guest speakers including Julianne McKeigue, May Casey, Niamh Hassett, Caitlin White, Seán Hogan, John Connors, and John Flannery.

PRO of the Remembrance Committee, Brian King, said it was a great achievement to bring the project to fruition considering the major challenges and obstacles posed by the pandemic. Brian noted that the Remembrance Committee consists of some phenomenal community activists and that bringing the project together was a tremendous collaborative effort. Outside of the committee, Brian had a special word of thanks for Labhrás and Una Ó Murchú, and Manager of Brú Ború, Ronan O Brien, for their hospitality, generosity and enthusiasm in hosting the event.

Brain acknowledged that the committee also received great support from Tipperary County Council, Tipp FM, and the local print media which he said was greatly appreciated. Brian noted the particular importance of the last song on the CD ‘It Cannot Happen Again’. One hundred years on from that war, Brian said we must see the song as one of hope and the words of the song while reflective of a suffering and sorrowful past will strike a chord for all those who want to see our great country thrive and prosper as we leave the centenary celebrations behind and look forward with great optimism to the future and a republic that we are and the generations past would be, proud of.

Treasurer Seán Hogan echoed Brian’s sentiments, adding that the committee is deeply indebted to Councillor Michael Smith, for his Cathaoirleach Grant which ensured the recording of the songs was completed, and to Comhaltas Ceóltoirí Éireann, for sponsoring two of the videos, and to all those who made their properties available for filming the videos.

Chairman Joe Moloughney commented that it is a remarkable feat to have got the project over the line, in the current circumstances, and he gave great credit to everyone involved in the whole process from start to finish, adding we have to acknowledge the special song writing ability of Séamus, who came up with seven original high-quality songs to make the project possible.

Séamus is in total agreement with all the sentiments expressed by the committee members and has thanked everyone involved wholeheartedly, adding that he owes a deep debt of gratitude to each of the singers who not only provided their vocal talents but embraced the project with wonderful enthusiasm and delight making the songs their own, so to speak. He also added there was great credit due to Peter Maher Middlewalk Studios Cloughjordan, Joe Gallagher and Fran Curry GAF Studios Knockgraffon, for the top-class recordings; to Thomas Moyles Avalanche Multi-Media Studios Nenagh, and Glen Flynn, Tullamore for the videos; and to Brian Larkin, Dutec Limerick, for the fantastic design work on the CD itself.

He concluded: "It is important that we don’t forget the enormous price our forefathers paid in the fight for independence, and without these gallant Gaels, there would be no project; so it is imperative on each of us, that we remember respectfully, all those who sacrificed their lives, so that we might enjoy peace, prosperity, and freedom in ours."