High-speed broadband at Latteragh Community Hall

High-speed broadband is now available at Latteragh Community Hall where the committee has been busy working with Tipperary County Council, Vodafone and others to bring high speed broadband connectivity to the venue.

Free internet access is now available at the hall where four workstations are now available for hire. The Hall Committee hope to host a public launch of the new services in the very near future. For more info on Latteragh Community Hall or to make a booking please call 087 2210967 or go to http://www.connectedhubs.ie/

Public access has recently been improved at Latteragh Community Hall by installing tarmac to the entrance area. A keysafe has also been provided to ease venue access while retaining security. 

The committee would like to acknowledge the sponsorship of Kellys of Fantane for the provision and installation of the tarmac and thank them for their support.