Nenagh Railway Station. Photograph: Odhran Ducie

New service for Nenagh rail line

Local partnership seeks funding to deliver 'transformational' third option

The North Tipperary Community Rail Partnership (NTCRP) has welcomed comments made by the NTA’s Chief Executive in a reply to Deputy Alan Kelly confirming the introduction of a new service on the Limerick-Nenagh-Ballybrophy line.

This additional, middle of the day service has been campaigned for by the partnership. It is being considered as part of a timetable review undertaken by both the NTA and Iarnród Éireann (IE).

"We note Minister Ryan told the Oireachtas Transport Committee on January 26 that there was a need to invest in the line and he was of the view that strategic use needs to be made rather than 'let them just chug along at bare minimum use, or do we want to make strategic use of them? I think we should make strategic use of them. I think we should build new stations along that line'.

"The NTCRP agrees with the Minister and welcomes Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) CEO Jim Meade’s comments to the committee on Thursday, answering a question from Deputy Michael Lowry, that the IÉ is awaiting confirmation for additional funding of €6.5 million by Ministers Ryan’s department to allow the completion of the upgrade of the line with CWR by the end of 2022. The renewal of four miles is already funded in this year’s budget and this will allow the remaining eight miles of old track to be upgraded.

"Ms Graham’s reply to Deputy Kelly noted that there was no additional funding provided in the PSO for the line for additional services in 2022. We will work with Deputy Kelly and all our political stakeholders to ensure that Minister Ryan’s department provides additional funding in the 2023 PSO for more services to be introduced on the line."

"Virginia O’Dowd, chair of the NTCRP said; “This is good news. We believe that IÉ should be able to introduce the transformational middle of the day service in early 2023, when this funding is provided.

“We know the train to provide the service is available, and with the upgrade now planned to be completed by the end of 2022, it’s a realistic target to allow the third service to be introduced in early 2023, if Minister Ryan’s department provides additional funding.”

Ms O’Dowd added; “It allows sufficient time for IÉ to ensure the additional driver resource needed to operate this service is put in place. We ask all our deputies and senators to lobby the minister to ensure this funding is put in place to deliver this as soon as possible.”