Refugees from Ukraine walk with their suitcases after crossing the border from Ukraine to Poland. Many Ukrainians are leaving the country after military actions by Russia on Ukrainian territory. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Childhood under attack in Ukraine - support charity's work

370,000 Ukrainian refugees crossing into neighbouring countries as conflict escalates. Plan International Ireland appeal to the Irish public for help!

Right now, lives are being lost and fighting is forcing children to flee their homes. They are hearing explosions and are in fear. Millions of people have fled to find safety with more than 370,000 Ukrainian refugees crossing into neighbouring countries. With long queues of families at the border, the numbers seeking refuge in neighbouring countries increase.

Plan International Ireland know from experience around the world that girls and women are often the most impacted in a crisis. This will be no different. Families have fled with little more than what they can grab and are exposed to wind, rain and freezing temperatures. They are traumatised.

The declaration of Martial Law in Ukraine means all Men from the ages of 18-60 years are prevented from leaving the country. Families are saying goodbye, not knowing if or when they will be reunited as Fathers, Sons, and Brothers join the fight to protect their land.

Children will bear the invisible wounds of conflict, even after the fighting has stopped. The war in Ukraine will leave a heavy toll on the mental health of children and young people. Organisations in Poland, Moldova and Romania are working around the clock to provide much needed support for Ukrainian families. Plan International Ireland committed to providing support to agencies in Moldova, Romania and Poland which provide care and advice to these children.

Plan International Ireland have launched an urgent appeal asking the Irish public for their support by donating. Funds raised will allow them to scale up urgent relief operations to support children, particularly girls and young women, and their families. Urgent needs include shelter, food and water, psycho-social support and education. Plan International Ireland are collaborating with local organisations, supporting them to focus on the mental health of children, particularly girls.

Launching this urgent appeal today, Plan International Ireland’s CEO, Paul O’Brien, said: “Children must be protected from harm, and all obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law must be respected. The facilities that children need such as schools, hospitals, water and power must never be a target of war. Children and their caregivers must remain safe and be given safe passage. As the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, we’re concerned for the protection and safety of girls and young women who are more vulnerable to abuse and trafficking with the men who normally protect them having to stay behind and protect their country rather than their loved ones. The protection and safety of children on the move must be a top priority. We know from our experience around the world that girls and women are often the most impacted in a crisis. This will be no different.”

All donations will go towards the National and International response in Ukraine and the surrounding countries. Violence, lack of access to basic services and socio-economic deterioration will increase an influx of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, leading to family separation. The lack of basic services such as electricity, heaters, water and sanitation can further endanger the health and survival of children.

Separated or unaccompanied children are more vulnerable to child protection and gender-related risks, including trafficking for sexual exploitation. In Ukraine, Russia and other Eastern European countries, 80% of the victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation are women, 10% girls and 10% boys.

Help Plan International Ireland save the childhoods of Ukrainian children. The public can donate now at

In war, children pay the highest price. Take action now! – Plan International Ireland