Efforts are continuing to secure two temporary ASD classrooms at Colaiste Phobal in Roscrea.

Lee's update on ASD classrooms for Roscrea

Cllr Shane Lee has been informed that efforts are continuing to secure two temporary ASD classrooms at Colaiste Phobal in Roscrea.

The Roscrea-based councillor has been working for several years on securing this invaluable addition to the extensive range of educational facilities offered at the only post-primary school in the town.

"Colaiste Phobal, being the only secondary school in Roscrea, has a very large number of primary schools that feed into it. ASD classrooms are provided at the majority of these primary schools, but when the students transition to second level in Roscrea, they are left without this targeted learning support. This is a huge disadvantage to students and a major concern for parents."

Cllr Lee is a member of the Tipperary Education and Training Board, which is currently working closely with NCSE to secure temporary accommodation for two ASD classes in 2023. These two classes will cater for 12 students with a diagnosis of ASD.

"Plans are underway for the provision of a new school on the existing Colaiste Phobal site, which will include adequate classrooms to cater for students with ASD," added Cllr Lee, who is also a member of the Board of Management at Colaiste Phobal. "In the meantime the provision of two temporary classrooms would be a significant and much welcomed step in the right direction."