Silvermines Historical Society meets again
The first meeting since 2019 of Silvermines Historical Society (SHS) was held in the Eagles Nest, Dolla, on Monday, March 14.
Chairman John Kennedy welcomed everyone after a lapse of two years due to Covid-19.
Discussions took place on our two books published since Covid began. Everybody agreed that they were a great success. John expressed gratitude to the authors for their work and, similarly, John was thanked for all his efforts during the past two years on getting these books printed.
Also on the agenda was discussion of forthcoming outings for our group and all suggestions for future trips were welcomed.
Votes of sympathy were passed to families of our members who passed away during Covid-19. Cáit Logue thanked all those who attended her brother's funeral during that difficult time (Tom Slattery, RIP, was a valued member of SHS).
Thanks to everyone who attended on the night. Next meeting of SHS will be on April 11. New members are always welcome.