The newly refurbished community hall in Gurtagarry.

Gurtagarry Hall reopens following extensive works

Community overwhelmed by local support

In the picturesque hills approximately four miles from Toomevara lies the beautiful scenic Gurtagarry where the community has completed an extensive renovation of the village's community hall.

On Saturday night, March 19, there was a celebration Mass held in the hall, which signalled the end of the refurbishment works and the beginning of the next chapter in the hall's 42-year history.

Gurtagarry Community Hall and Development Association Committee Chairperson, Ger Ryan recalled how in 2015 the previous hall committee invited members of the public to a meeting to discuss the future of the building. He said the people of Gurtagarry were ahead of their time in the 1970s when they had a vision to build a community hall to service the communities needs.

“They were an incredible bunch of people as money was not nearly as plentiful as it is now,” said Ger. “Back then, almost half a century ago, there was an unbelievable buy-in to the process and everyone wanted to deliver a hall for Gurtagarry.”

But by the time the new century dawned people felt the hall needed a face lift and in January 2016 a committee of 13, comprising former and new members, started off on what can only be described as a challenging but rewarding journey.

Funding was a major issue and the first of many fundraisers was held in December 2016, an event where Ger said the committee were totally overwhelmed by the support that they received - it was plainly evident then that the community were fully behind the project.


In 2017 the committee were unsuccessful with two grant applications through both the LEADER and CLAR Programmes. But in April 2018 they got the break they needed when an application to Tipperary County Council for funding through the Scheme of Capital Grants for Community Facilities and Amenities resulted in an allocation of €25,000.

“I was delighted for the committee and for the community that our voice was finally being heard and someone was willing to back us,” said Ger. “I knew that this funding was a game changer and was the kick-start we needed.”

It was decided to first start work on the outside of the building to ensure that it was brought up to current standards in terms of efficiency.

The works began in October 2018 with the replacement of the old asbestos roof. Works continued in 2019 with the replacement of the windows and external doors, in addition to insulation works. Accessibility had been an issue in the past, so a wheelchair accessible ramp was installed at the front of the building to ensure the hall was accessible to all.

The past two years brought further challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic, and essentially all refurbishment works came to a standstill. When construction commenced again the old oil heating system was replaced with an efficient air-to-air heat pump, taking the hall to new levels in terms of comfort and efficiency. The bathrooms were re-configured, adding a disabled access bathroom and a new storeroom. The hall was also re-wired during this time and all new energy efficient lighting was installed and internal furnishings upgraded.


In January of this year the hall went live as a Broadband Connection Point Site. Ger said this has been “the icing on the cake” for the committee, with fast broadband now available to all in the community. “It has been fantastic for the community having access to high speed broadband, and having this service in a rural area like Gurtagarry will present many opportunities for the hall and community into the future,” said Ger.

Going forward, the committee hopes the hall will be used by all members of its community, young and old. “When our term comes to an end we want to be able to look back and say we did all we could and left no stone unturned to ensure that we don’t get left behind in a small village in rural Ireland,” said Ger.

He went on to thank his fellow members of the committee for their dedication and vision and said the success of the project has simply being down to the buy-in from the community. “We have a terrific community here in Gurtagarry. When you ask for help the people come out of every corner to assist you. It brings a new meaning to the term ‘people power’,” said Ger.

“As a committee we are overwhelmed by the backing and support that we have received. The refurbishment works cost in excess of €70,000. Through fundraisers since 2016, the community donated almost €60,000 and so they made our job easy by ensuring the majority of funding came from the area itself.”

Ger said it was fantastic to renovate the hall to the current standards and be debt free given the financial challenges in the present climate.

Gurtagarry Community Hall and Development Association want to thank everyone for their support since 2016. To anyone that assisted the committee with fundraisers, gave their time renovating the hall or simply donated or supported the project in any way: “Your support has ensured we were in a position to deliver this project,” said Ger.