Pasengers are still facing delays in security queues at Dublin Airport.

Travelling abroad: latest on queues at Dublin Airport

Minister of State for Transport, Hildegarde Naughton, has established a daily crisis management meeting regarding the security queues at Dublin Airport.

The minister again met with the daa CEO, Dalton Philips and the senior management team. daa briefed the minister on the additional measures that have been put in place, such as redeployment of staff to support queue management and ensure better presentation for security screening, additional overtime, the additional opening hours of security lanes, and enhancing communications with passengers. daa reported an improvement in the queue times from last weekend, but excessive times were still experienced by passengers at peak times. The minister was assured that Dublin Airport continue to work closely with their airline partners through the appropriate channels.

The minister was also briefed on accelerated daa plans for recruiting of additional security staff. daa have recruited 100 additional security staff and have plans to recruit nearly 300 more.

The minister also engaged with her departmental officials and met with the CEOs of Aer Lingus and Ryanair and the CEO designate of the IAA regulator today to get a broader assessment of the issues being experienced. The minister and the department will continue to monitor the situation over the coming days and weeks and plan to engage with daa daily to ensure that all that can be done is being done for passengers using Dublin Airport.