Dromineer photographed from the lake by Odhran Ducie

Safety on the water appeal

In the lead up to the recent bank holiday weekend, the Coast Guard, Water Safety Ireland and the RNLI issued a joint water safety appeal asking water users to take some basic steps to stay safe.

Now that May has arrived and with it, hopefully, improved weather conditions, more incidents continue to occur as people visit waterways or participate in inland/coastal aquatic activities.

The three organisations state the need for water users to receive proper training before going on the water, to carry a reliable means of calling for help and to tell someone where you are going and what time you expect to be back. Water temperatures remain cold even at this time of the year and ‘cold water shock’ can affect everyone.

Before taking part in any water-based activity or coastal walks, do visit the Coast Guard website and adhere to advice given to ensure that your experience is an enjoyable and a safe one.