Happy days: Work on the new extension at Barnane NS gets underway.

Sod turning ceremony at Tipp school

There were smiles all round on Thursday as staff and pupils gathered at Barnane National School for the official sod turning that heralds the start of work on the new and much anticipated extension.

Last month Cllr. Eddie Moran was delighted to confirm the overall funding granted for this school project had increased to €680,000 from the original figure of €450,000.

The extension consists of an additional mainstream classroom with ensuite toilets, 2 Special Education Teaching Rooms, a store room, a disability toilet and an upgraded parking area.

"I am thrilled for all involved," said Cllr. Moran at the turning of the first sod. "The pupils and staff won’t know themselves with the extra space, which has been needed for quite some time.

"I have been working on this project since it was first proposed. Barnane National School is such a friendly and welcoming school that provides an all round primary education to its pupils. It is great too see schools like this get the assistance they need to flourish into the future."