On May 31 there were 33 single adults and 13 families in emergency accommodation in Tipperary.

Homelessness in Tipperary

The total number of homeless presentations to Tipperary Co Council from January to May 2022 was 218.

These comprised of 124 single presentations, six couples, 21 couples with children and 36 singles with children.

The use of private rented accommodation with the assistance of HAP is the primary option for those presenting as homeless. The council's two Homeless Prevention Officers, working in tandem with the HAP Placefinder Service, operate to secure such accommodation.

Prevention work was carried out by the HAP Placefinder on 37 of these presentations. They facilitated 12 singles and seven families in securing private rental HAP accommodation and thereby avoided being placed in emergency accommodation.

With the assistance of the HAP Placefinder, 10 single people left emergency accommodation and moved to HAP/AHB tenancies and seven families left emergency accommodation and moved to HAP/AHB tenancies.

On May 31 there were 33 single adults and 13 families (25 children in total) in emergency accommodation. The Homeless Team are working with the relevant services to put in place exit plans for those in emergency accommodation. All 12 Housing First units are currently fully occupied, accommodating the most complex of homeless cases with wrap-around supports. An additional 18 Housing First units have been approved by the Department (six units in the south and 12 in the north) and work is ongoing to identify these units and get tenants into them.