Patrons thanked by North Tipp Show Chairman
By Brendan Murphy
It was a great honour and privilege to Chair the North Tipperary Agricultural Show for the last two years.
In 2021 due to Covid-19 we decided to go with a virtual show in the form of a video where we documented the various different sections of the show and its history dating back to the founding of the show in 1875.
This year, as restrictions had been lifted, we had the tough challenge of bringing back the show after three years. We always knew it was going to be a challenge but everyone on the committee went above and beyond to ensure the wheels were in motion as preparations got underway early in the year.
As Chairperson I had my own inspirations and ideas for the show that I wanted to implement what might appeal to a wider audience and attract more people to this fantastic community event that has been running for so long. In fact the show is one of the oldest shows in the country.
The idea of expanding the live music and introducing circus performers to the show seemed, understandably, bizarre to some. But as the day unfolded on the Bank Holiday Monday and the show was in full flight it was clear that we had struck a chord with the community of Nenagh and beyond as the crowds poured in the gates of the Showgrounds despite the rain.
The show had made an almighty comeback after three years and the additional attractions were a great talking point on the day as families walked around at their leisure and enjoyed the atmosphere in the grounds.
The agricultural sections enjoyed great entries this year, including the Sheep section, which the show plans on expanding going forward. The cattle section, pony classes and working hunter all attracted a big crowd on the day.
The busy horticultural tent was a hive of activity as usual, and although entries were slightly back on 2019, it looked as busy as ever.
The ever popular dog show brought smiles to the faces of young and old and was enjoyed by the many spectators on the day.
The Nenagh Classic Car Club had a display of over 300 Classic and Vintage vehicles which was incredible given the weather on the day.
Overall the show was one of the best in recent times and I would like to thank everyone who came out to support the event on August 1. I would like to thank our hard-working committee, who really pulled out all the stops this year to ensure the show went as smoothly as possible.
I would also like to thank our performers, exhibitors and community groups. And finally I would like to thank our sponsors and the business community, who support the show each year; without your help the show would not happen.
The show is more than just a show: it is a community event. It is a celebration of the people in our community where they can showcase their livelihoods, talents and traditions that have been around for generations.
That community spirit was very much alive and well in the showgrounds on the August Bank Holiday Monday and it was an absolute pleasure to have been a part of that and to have had the honour of holding the position of Chairperson for the last two years.
Four pages of the results from the North Tipperary Show appear in this week's Guardian together with more photos from the Bank Holiday event.