The council's Civic Offices in Nenagh. Photo: Odhran Ducie

New county-wide plan for Tipp

Tipperary County Development Plan 2022 - 2028

A new Tipperary County Development Plan 2022 – 2028 for the entire county of Tipperary was adopted on July 11 by the elected members of Tipperary County Council.

The new County Development Plan will become effective on Monday, August 22, and will replace the South Tipperary County Development Plan 2009 and the North Tipperary County Development Plan 2010. From this date, and for the six years, new development in Tipperary must reflect and embrace the planning vision, policies and objectives of the County Development Plan.

The County Development Plan is one of the most significant policy documents delivering on the goals as set out in Tipperary County Council’s Corporate Plan while operating as a blueprint for the future development of the county. The publication of this plan marks the culmination of a two-year process whereby the plan was agreed on by the elected members of Tipperary County Council with the advice of the executive and in consultation with the public. This plan is historic as it is the first ever all-county plan prepared for Tipperary, setting out a progressive and sustainable vision for our county.

Councillor Roger Kennedy, Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, welcomed public participation in the plan-making process. He said: “I would like to thank all those who contributed to the preparation of the plan including the many members of the public, and other stakeholders who made numerous submissions during the three public consultation phases over the two-year plan making process. The high level of stakeholder and public participation was welcomed, particularly given the challenges which we faced in the last few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.”

The plan will guide sustainable development for our communities through protecting our environment, reducing our energy demands, maintaining the viability of our towns, villages and rural communities and supporting job creation. The new Tipperary County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 is the first all-county plan and reflects the ideas and aspirations of communities within the structure of national and regional policies and guidelines. Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council, Joe MacGrath, added: “The ‘Core Strategy’ in this County Development Plan recognises that we must prepare for and support a climate resilient, sustainable and low-carbon Tipperary. The lifetime of this plan extends to 2028 which aligns local policies with the timeframe for meeting national emissions reductions targets by 2030.

“Towns and villages are the backbone of a vibrant county, and the plan provides a strategy for their future climate resilient, compact and economic growth, along with the provision of affordable and quality homes, tailored to community needs.”


The new County Development Plan is set out over five volumes and is available to view on the County Council webpage at