Parish church technology petition in Ballinahinch

Parishioners of Ballinahinch-Killoscully have launched a public petition to seek support for the provision of technology at St Joseph's Church, Ballinahinch.

Parish Priest, Fr James O’Donoghue told congregations at the parish Masses over the weekend that facilities to sign the petition have been placed at both churches in the parish and parishioners are encouraged to support it.

The intention is to get sufficient response to support an application for grant funding towards the necessary technology for the transmission of Masses and other services from Ballinahinch Church.

Facility to support the petition is also now open on line at the following link

More details available on the parish Facebook page explain the financing of the proposed technology and explain that the intention is to futureproof the use of the parish church in the light of likely changes in the future, and is not a request for parish donations at this stage.

The petition will close on September 20 and the organisers are seeking the support of as many as possible in their campaign.