'Nenagh Live and in Colour'

Local musicians perform on album that captures the feel of town and district

A new live album of 25 musical performances, 'Nenagh Live and in Colour' will be formally launched at the new Nenagh Tourist Office this Saturday, September 10, at 3pm.

The album is the culmination of a two-year project to record and document the ongoing musical heritage of Nenagh's artists and musicians. 'Nenagh Live and in Colour' will be available free as a limited edition CD from September 10. It will also be available to stream on Spotify, and 200 copies of the album will be available free from Nenagh Tourist Office.

Recorded live across a variety of locations throughout the Nenagh district, this album's live performances perfectly capture the feel, variety and ambience of such wonderful locations like the underground tunnel at historic Nenagh Courthouse, The Ormond Hotel and Florence Ryan's Fruit and Veg Shop. Local landmarks like 'Mick Byrne's Lane' and Kenyon Street sit comfortably beside such wonderful locations as Carrig School, the Kenyon Bar and The Hibernian Inn. Boutique locations such as Cinnamon Alley café only add to the vibe and variety of the music on offer.

The albums track listing features artists such as Gradam Ceoil award-winner Ned Kelly and the In Tune for Life Orchestra; songwriter and producer Martin 'Twisty' O'Brien; chart-topping performer Conor Fahy; acclaimed songwriter James McGrath; live performer and session guitarist Martin 'The Freshman' Ryan; powerhouse vocalist Collie Hogan; breakout artist Bubba Shakespeare, and musical protégé Emma Fitzgerald.

New voices such as Cleo Griffin, Caroline Kennedy and Kadence Mccarthy sit alongside internationally renowned performers like Sean Bourke and Michael Buckley, while incredible voices such as

Arthur Michell, Lisa Manning, Pat Holland, Mike Healy, Kirsty Byrnes and Martin Grace make this an album suitable for all tastes and genres.

The album's producer David Spain of Spain AV says "the beauty of this musical release lies in its simplicity and variety! It has been an incredible two years recording and working on this album. This is an ongoing project, so expect another release in the near future. Watch this space!"

The album 'Nenagh Live and in Colour' will be available free from Nenagh Tourist Office as a limited edition cd from September 10. It will also be available to stream on Spotify.

For more details and a complete track listing, go to www.facebook.com/nenaghlive.

This album has been made possible with the assistance of the Tipperary County Council, Tipperary Arts Office and the LLPPS Scheme.