Damian O Donoghue with Sinn Féin Tipperary TD Martin Browne in Nenagh.

‘The cost of living is becoming unbearable’

Sinn Féin representative for the Nenagh area Damian O Donoghue has spoken of the major concern expressed by people locally in relation to runaway energy costs.

Mr O Donoghue said: “The massive increase in the cost of light and heat is putting huge financial pressure on families, and this is set to worsen throughout the winter. The cost of living is becoming unbearable for many people and more people are being driven in to poverty.

“Small and medium businesses are also very concerned with their electricity bills getting larger by the month. I have spoken to various business owners in Nenagh and some are worried about their ability to survive the continuous price hikes.

“Energy companies are seeing soaring profits as of late and this is an insult to hundreds of thousands of people who are struggling to pay bills. The same energy corporations who are now lifting billions in profits are responsible for making people pay more for fuel. This cannot be allowed to continue.

“The Government must take action to mitigate the effect of the increase in energy prices. In addition to a windfall tax on energy companies, financial support for households needs to be put in place. Other protections like an expanded ban on disconnections is needed. Energy companies should also be required to offer all customers their best tariff rate,” Mr O Donoghue stated.